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RITANZ 22nd Annual Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency Conference Terms & Conditions


Details regarding this conference were confirmed and correct at the time of publication.

RITANZ reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel the conference or amend the details of the conference at any time. 


The personal information you provide on this form is collected and held by RITANZ for the purposes of processing your registration and keeping you informed of upcoming services and events. The provision by you of your personal information is voluntary, but if you do not provide some or all of the personal information requested, we may be unable to process your registration.  Pursuant to the Privacy Act 2020, you have the right to access your personal information and to request that it be corrected.  RITANZ’s Privacy Policy is available here.

RITANZ Acceptable Behaviour and Social Functions Policy

RITANZ’s policy for social gatherings is available here.  In order to attend the conference, you are required to acknowledge below that you have read and understood the policy and agree to observe and be bound by it during the conference.

A reminder that members should also ensure that any guest of a RITANZ member adheres to this Policy.

Any behaviour that contravenes the Policy will not be tolerated, and we reserve the right to refuse entry or to remove persons or content from a physical or virtual conference premises.


Should you be unable to attend the conference, you may transfer your registration and a substitute delegate is welcome to attend in your place. Please let us know your colleague’s name and details no later than 48 hours prior to the conference.

Alternatively, RITANZ will offer a refund (less a $100 service charge) for cancellations received in writing (letter or email) at least seven working days prior to the event. Regrettably, due to RITANZ’s obligations with the conference venue, no refund will be made for cancellations received less than seven working days prior to the event.


If you wish to attend the conference, but cannot attend in person, we will have available an Online Virtual Platform for the main conference to be joined live.  Please indicate on the registration form if you wish to join the conference virtually and a registration link will be sent to you.

Virtual access to the conference can be accessed on the date and at the time published by RITANZ or as otherwise communicated by us to you. Only the registered attendee(s) can attend and view conference and the link cannot be shared with other colleagues, clients, and associates.

Please note that no refunds will be made available for connectivity issues or because you are unable to access the virtual online platform through your organisation’s firewall. Please ensure that you test your access to the virtual online platform on the device that you intend to use in advance.


The interactive Workshop on the 12th June 2024 is an in-person event, the preferred format to maximise learning opportunities and career development. If the Workshop cannot be held in person it will be deferred to a later date. In the event that a delegate from outside of Auckland is not able to attend on the rescheduled date, RITANZ will refund the delegate the workshop registration fee (or, where relevant, the difference between attending as a workshop/conference package or conference only attendee).
